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Contact Us

Contact Our Storage Center

Our offices are open Monday through Saturday and we offer extended gate access hours, beyond our normal office hours, so you can quickly and conveniently have access to your belongings. You will find that your payment options are quick and easy, such as online bill pay and auto payment.

Feel free to give us a call, stop by any one of our offices, or email us a request for information. We will gladly answer your questions or concerns and help you reserve your space, with no deposit or strings attached.

Contact us today to begin.

Idaho Self Storage – Downtown Boise
1201 W River St
Boise, ID 83702

Phone: 208-333-9597

Idaho Self Storage – West Boise
10908 W Fairview Ave
Boise, ID 83713

Phone: 208-375-3333

Idaho Self Storage – Meridian
5120 N Linder Rd
Meridian, ID 83646

Phone: 208-884-5262